Quiz for all occasions!

Create a quiz completely free with us. Our simple tool and extensive features turn your idea into reality in no time. Just share the link with your participants—it’s easy and fun!

A blood orange is lying on a yellow table


Here's how it works:

You can create an unlimited number of questions with our simple tool. Add images, GIFs, or YouTube videos to your questions to engage participants and make your quiz even more personalized.

Having trouble coming up with questions? Let our AI generate them for you, and your quiz will be ready in no time, complete with appropriate images and videos.

Background picture for a question. The image depicts mountains.

Easy to manage

When you create your quiz, you start by adding the questions. Then, you have many options to customize the quiz. For example, you can turn it into a competition with a leaderboard, set a time limit, request the user’s email, and much more. As the administrator, you also have access to statistics, results, QR codes, and much more.

Bild på frågelista
Som administratör kan du få statistik på dina quiz
Resultat sparas så du som administratör kan se allt.

Quizzes can be used for a variety of purposes. They are fantastic tools for learning, as they make it easier to remember information and understand new concepts.

They can also be used in team-building to strengthen collaboration and communication, or in marketing to engage customers and gather valuable feedback.

Quizzes are a versatile tool that can be adapted to suit many different needs and situations.

Resultat sparas så du som administratör kan se allt.

Works for everyone

Once you’ve finished your quiz, you can share it with whomever you want. You have the option to make the quiz private, so only you can decide who gets to see it. Of course, the quiz works just as well on mobile devices as it does on a computer.

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