Isabelles mobilskattjakt
Hej! Nu ska ni få ge er ut på en spännande mobilskattjakt runt om i Vinninga. På vägen får ni titta på kartan i mobilen och ta er till frågorna. Frågorna måste besvaras i rätt ordning. Vid varje fråga så finns en vit lapp uppsatt i närheten. På lappen står en bokstav. Hitta alla lapparna och ta med dem till slutet. De här hjälper er att lösa ledtråden till att öppna skattkistan! LYCKA TILL, NU KÖR VI!
Enter a name for you or your team.
This is just a demo so the position shown is not your actual location. But if you had been here and moved towards the position of the questions, they would have been opened. Here in the demo version, you can instead click on the map to change position.
Click on the map to simulate your location and activate the controls. When it’s real, it’s your current position that activates the controls.
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Isabelles mobilskattjakt
Looks like you’ve answered some questions already. Choose whether to continue where you were or start over.
This quiz can only be completed once. It looks like you already submitted a reply.
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Approach the position of the question to open it.
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{{ checkpointTitle }}
Here you will find an explanation of the symbols and signs found on the orientation map.
Documentation from the Swedish Orienteering AssociationOrienteering
You answered correctly on {{correctCount}}/{{questionsAmountText()}} frågor.
Question {{i+1}}{{q.question}}Correct answer: {{getCorrectAnswer(q)}}